How to Encourage Creative Development in School

 In today's world, we all expect our children to be smart, innovative, and intelligent but how many of us take measures to inculcate necessary skills that can aid them to be those smart future individuals. 

The best CBSE schools of Mohali and all over the world have realized creativity as a contributory factor in the holistic development of students. 

Creativity plays a key role in a student’s overall development. The right mix of creativity along with curriculum helps students to be innovative and also encourages them to learn new things. Through creativity, Students can grow up as good communicators in addition to improving their emotional and social skills. 

Creativity isn’t something that students learn overnight. Much like resourcefulness and inventiveness, it is less a trait and more a proficiency that can be taught. 

Here are the ways schools can foster creativity in students 

Recognize and promote the creative interest of students.

Help students recognize their interests by incorporating multiple disciplines in your classroom: music, drama, art, etc. so that students can discover new interests. The creativity itself blossoms when they enjoy the things they are doing. You can also design some classroom space for exploration, such as a thinking table, a drama stage, a drawing table, or a space for groups to discuss ideas that can aid students to lend themselves to a creative expression.

Support hands-on learning

Hands-on learning proffers students with a platform to express new ideas, think critically and voice their opinions, ultimately engaging them on a deeper level. The trick is to let students dive into the real thing first and then introduce the theory.

For a technology class, let students create their websites before discussing web design principles. For a science experiment let them prepare rough models of seed germination and then explain the actual process. 

Encourage outside-the-box assignment formats

Encourage students to choose the format they want to follow for an assignment. Ditch the typical book report essay and ppt. Maybe they’d rather share their ideas better through a photo essay, skit, diorama or recipe.

Team-building exercises

Team building cooperative strategies allow peers to think, communicate and create together which ultimately encourages creativity. By communicating students gain ideas from each other and come up with something together they could never have apart. Creative collaborative learning layouts like lining up desks, creating pods, a U-shaped layout or separate group tables will prompt students to work together. Teachers can also try other activities like collective storytelling, untangling a human knot or getting out of an escape room, one word at a time, etc.

Motivate students with rewards and recognition

The best CBSE schools nurture creativity in students through rewards and recognition. It instilled a sense of pride and motivated them to put in more effort. Visually recognize child achievements or craft the custom certificates that represent the specifics of the achievement.

Learning Path School is the best CBSE school in Chandigarh, where teachers plan and frame curriculum and provide tools that give students options, voice, and choice to fuel the creativity and imagination of students.  

To know more about the school 



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